🎨 A new post layout

Quickly see if a post links to a video, article, or podcast, and which categories it’s in.

🎨 A new post layout
Sparkable is the first social media platform designed to bridge divides. It aims to amplify content that is valued by people across different perspectives. We're a nonprofit dedicated to countering polarization and hate. 🌍✨
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Sparkable version 3.2.1 is here! πŸŽ‰

The latest version brings the following new features and improvements:

A new post layout

We have updated the post layout in the following ways:

Icon & Tags

Our new post layout now shows you directly:

  • A little icon indicating the content type so you can see it links to a podcast, article, or video.
  • The category tags indicating which categories a link belongs to.

Speech bubble

The reviews are now shown as a speech bubble to make the layout clearer:

All filter options above the feed

You can now access all filters directly above the feed:

Other improvements

Among other things, we have made the following changes:

Newest posts in the right sidebar

By default, the main feed is sorted by top posts. In the right sidebar, however, you will now see the three newest posts.

Bug fixes

We fixed a bug where the system displayed "deleted user" instead of "private user" when someone signed up by making a private post.

Text changes

We have updated some of the text in the hero section on the landing page and the "Share a link" popup.

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Let us know how we could improve the platform for you! πŸ€—