Building the first ✨bridging-based✨ social media platform
Amplifying content that can bridge divides - we‘re building an entire platform around that concept.

We've been silent for a while, which usually means we're working hard on the next steps of our project for a healthier online environment.
Now, we're thrilled to introduce you to the all-new Sparkable:

On Sparkable, you can share and find exceptional videos, articles, and podcasts from all over the internet that spark new insight in people across the spectrum.
What's unique about this new platform is that content is not boosted when it gets a lot of engagement but when it's rated highly by people from different perspectives.
This approach is called bridging-based ranking, and it helps boost constructive content that bridges divides.
But how does the platform measure different perspectives? The simple answer is to look at how people have rated content in the past. If people who previously haven't agreed in their ratings agree and rate a content highly, it's a strong indicator that this content is valuable to people from different points of view.
The beauty of measuring the diversity of perspectives this way is that it does not need any personal information and encompasses any diversity instead of measuring only the traditional spectrums (for example, location, gender, or political affiliation).
You’ll hear more about the bridging-based approach in our future newsletters. For now, we‘ll leave you with only one request:

Please test the new platform and let us know your thoughts by replying to this email!

PS: You‘ll need to create a new account, but that’s super easy; no password is required. Just click „Join now, “ and you‘ll receive an email with a magic link to sign in and make your first post!