Privacy Policy

Sparkable is a not-for-profit organization building a self-sustaining business model which does not rely on advertisement or any third-party investors or clients. Sparkable's only obligation is to its users.

This gives us the freedom of not having to collect unnecessary data. Your data privacy and security are a top concern for us. We treat your data with the utmost care and in accordance with the applicable laws and this privacy policy. Sparkable does not collect any data that is not absolutely needed and necessary for the respective purpose.

However, some third-party services we are using (like Twitter, LinkedIn, Slack) have different business models and thus, different privacy policies. Please be aware that those services might try to collect data without us wanting that. Make sure you protect yourself by reading their terms and conditions.

You can always contact us and request insight into and deletion of your data. Or help us improve our policies.

What data do we collect and why?

In order for us to provide the best possible experience on our websites, we need to collect and process certain information. Depending on your use of the services, that may include:

Create an account

New Sparkable accounts are created with an email, username and a password. When using Sparkable with a user account, your activity (such as your submitted content links) is recorded in an anonymized way to ensure the integrity of the platform (e.g. preventing bad actors from flooding the platform with spam or harmful content). The data collected during the sign-up process is stored on our servers. Sparkable is using DigitalOcean as a provider. For more information, check DigitalOcean's legal and security statements.

Usage data

When you visit Sparkable, we will store: the parts of our site you visit, the date and duration of your visit, information from the device (device type, operating system, screen resolution, language, country you are located in, and web browser type) you used during your visit, and more. We process this usage data in Matomo Analytics for statistical purposes, to improve your experience, to improve our site, and to recognize and stop any misuse. This tool works in compliance with GDPR. For details, see Matomo's privacy policy.

Session Storage

Sparkable uses session storage for record-keeping purposes and to enhance functionality on our site. You may deactivate or restrict the transmission by changing the settings of your web browser.

Subscribe to our newsletter

To keep you updated, we send newsletters at regular intervals. For this, Sparkable uses the tool Sendinblue. This tool works in compliance with GDPR and uses servers in Germany. Upon registration, Sparkable collects your e-mail address. This information is exclusively for the purpose of sending the newsletter. The Newsletter is only sent to those who have signed up for it (double-op-in). You can unsubscribe at any time. For details, see Sendinblue privacy policy.

How long we retain your data and what rights do you have over it?

We keep your provided data until the purpose no longer applies or you request us to delete it. You have a right to access, rectification, erasure, restrict processing, object to processing, and portability. To do this please write an email to

Embedded content from other websites.

Our site includes embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves in the same way as if the visitor has visited the other website. These other websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website. Please protect yourself.

Contact us
